Hi Everyone,
I’ve been published! Here is the link.

Hi All! I’ve just completed an amazing project looking at the relationship between this fair city and nature. The end result is a lovely fourth album called Coyote Moon, Peregrine Sky. Have a listen! This project was made possible by the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council, and the Province of Ontario through […]
This winter and spring I’ve been working on a new album of songs, with the generous support of both the Toronto Arts Council and the Ontario Arts Council. The project is called CITYscape, and explores the relationship Toronto has with nature. There are songs about Coyotes, Bees, Songbirds and Fox weddings!You’re invited to an evening […]
Hello friends! It’s been a while! In the midst of the polar vortex, there is nothing better than digging into one’s own heart and mind in a cozy snow-globe world, and that’s exactly what’s happening here. I’m in full writing mode, working on a grant from the generous Toronto Arts Council to take a close […]
I have some great shows coming up this summer! AUGUST 15: Hans Kotter’s Cellar: Mühldorf, Germany AUGUST 16: Denkmal: Salzburg, Austria AUGUST 17: Cabaret Des Grauens: Burghausen, Germany AUGUST 21: City of Helsinki: TBA, Finland AUGUST 23: Finnish Ukulele Network Picnic: Helsinki, Finland AUGUST 23: TBA: Helskinki, Finland Have a listen to ‘Truth Is’, the […]